Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mixology Monday XLVI - All About Absinthe!

This month, I have the privilege and pleasure of hosting Mixology Monday. The amazing Paul Clarke started MxMo in April 2006, and it's been going strong ever since. Each month, cocktail bloggers and writers from around the globe chime in on that month's topic, all on the designated Monday. This month, it's Monday, February 22nd.

The topic for February is Absinthe. That much maligned, misunderstood, mistreated spirit, suddenly plentiful again in the US and other parts of the world. Absinthe played a role, whether large or small, in a variety of great cocktails from the 1800's and early 1900's - the Sazerac, Absinthe Suissesse, Corpse Reviver No. 2... I'm getting thirsty.

So let's celebrate absinthe's history, and it's future, with all manner of cocktails using absinthe.

Here's how to participate:
  • Find or concoct a recipe using absinthe as an ingredient.
  • Make the drink and write about it. Include the recipe, ideally a photo, and something about how you liked (or didn't like, or tweaked, or...) the drink. If you don't have a blog, you can submit your recipe on the eGullet Spirits and Cocktails forum.
  • Include in your post the MxMo logo and a link back to both Mixology Monday and Thinking of Drinking. And once the round-up is posted, a link to that summary post would be most appreciated (thanks for that idea, Frederic).
  • Post a link to your submission in the comment section here, or send an email to sonjakassebaum (at) gmail (dot) com.
The due date is Monday, February 22nd, which I will interpret as whatever gets submitted before I get to the office on Tuesday the 23rd to start workin' on my wrap up (for those procrastinators in the bunch, I usually show up at 10 am CST). I'll take entries late too, if it gets in before I finish the wrap up. But I might give you a rough time for being late.

And if you want to learn more about the history of absinthe, here are some links.

Cheers and see you on the 22nd!


Unknown said...

Here we are my mixology monday contribution, a drink & a geological phenomenon collide


nabokov said...

Sonja hi! Here is my post.


Chris W. said...

And here's my libation...

Cheers! And thanks for hosting!

scomorokh said...

Dear Sonja!

Thanks for host and thanks for beautiful blog :)

You may read about awesome Chrysanthemum Cocktail at Science of Drink blog for this MxMo.

- scomorokh

Paul Zablocki said...

Sonja, here's the link to our post and the Old Mule. Thanks for hosting! -Paul & Steve

James Dean said...

Heres my cocktail, Thanks for hosting!

frederic said...

Sonja, here's my entry:

Cheers, Frederic

Hobson's Choice said...

Hey Sonja,

Thanks for hosting. I had a fun time with this MxMo post on absinthe. Plus it gave me a perfect excuse to go out and buy a new bottle of bitters.

The cocktail I wrote about is a twist on the Sazerac and is called The Latin Quarter.


Unknown said...

Hi Sonja,

Here's my recipe for THE FLEMING...
I made you one of these tall drinks last fall.
It's one of my favorite drinks that call for Sirène.


Anonymous said...

Here's my entry, thanks for hosting!


Jessamyn said...

Great theme! My entry is the Gin & Sip:

Maria Hunt said...

Hi Sonja: Hope you're well. I'll be posting a recipe for KILLING ME SOFTLY which was inspired by Death in the Afternoon... sometime this afternoon Cheers,

Alan said...

Hi Sonja,

Absinthe cocktails from the Orient ... and from Colorado.



Brian Robinson said...


My entry is the Purring Schubie.

Thanks for letting us at the Wormwood Society know about tonight's theme!

Tiare said...

Hi Sonja, now my post is up!

Cheers and thanks for hosting,


Jacob said...

Hi Sonja,

Thanks for hosting, here's my entry:

Pantagruel said...

Thanks for hosting, MxMo is always a blast. I put up a fun video of a drip using my Balancier style Brouilleur, and threw in a new recipe:

Balancier Brouilleur and Elegance Cocktail

Jenn said...

Hi Sonja!

Thanks for hosting and making me fully aware of the deliciousness of absinthe.

Here's my post:

Cheers! Jenn

p.s. Sorry if you're getting this twice. I had trouble the first time round.

the barkeep said...

Thanks for hosting!

I went retro with the venerable

Monkey Gland


Stevi Deter said...

Great topic, Sonja! My post on the Atlantic Cocktail is up:

Marshall said...

Hey Sonja! Thanks for hosting. Here is my submission:

drinksnob said...

Just before the buzzer.

Thanks for hosting, Sonja!


Kevin Gray said...

Thanks for hosting, Sonja! Here's my submission --

Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting! Here is my submission the "Sloe Envy"

1022 South said...

Sonja, thanks for hosting. Here's our contribution this month:

Anonymous said...

Hey sorry I'm late - here it is!

Paul said...

Oops -- had my post up, but forgot to post the link. Thanks for hosting!

Myriam said...

Hi Sonja,

Thanks for hosting, really look forward to reading the round-up post!

I just came across the Mixology Monday website - it's great! I've just written a post on Absinthe Salon in Sydney - talking about absinthe myths and the great absinthe champion Ted Breaux from New Orleans along the way.

I'm not a mixologist per se, so I'm not sure whether or not my post would qualify for MiMo... Anyway, here's the link in case you find it interesting:


Chris Amirault said...

Lots of great stuff over in Spirits & Cocktails at eG Forums, including absinthe-forward blasts like Wax, Green Rum Punch, and the Mud In Your Eye, as well as lighter libations like the Absinthe Martini, the Martha, and the Tailcoat. Read more here:

Thanks to Sonja for hosting!